Mitochondrial Exogenous Metabolite Analysis

Relying on advanced analytics platforms and professional analysts, Creative Biogene provides mitochondrial exogenous metabolites analysis, metabolites screening, exogenous metabolites, and metabolites concentration monitoring and analysis services. Besides, Creative Biogene carries different high-throughput analysis techniques for the metabonomics of exogenous metabolites and provides multiple data analysis options.

Exogenous metabolites refer to foreign chemicals, which may be toxic or harmless. These exogenous metabolites include not only drugs but also dietary supplements, food additives and environmental pollutants. Exogenous metabolites can be directly metabolized by metabolic enzymes in the body. When exogenous metabolites destroy the metabolism and transport endogenous compounds into the body, it may be harmful to the human body.

The study of how exogenous metabolites are metabolized in the human body is helpful for us to speed up the drug discovery for mitochondrial diseases and the study of mitochondrial toxicology. In drug discovery, understanding the metabolism of drugs helps study the drug mechanism of action. Besides, it is also important in the field of toxicology to understand the adverse side effects caused by metabolism.

Relying on an advanced analytics platform and professional analysts, Creative Biogene provides mitochondrial exogenous metabolite analysis, metabolite screening, and exogenous metabolite/metabolite concentration monitoring and analysis services. Creative Biogene has different high-throughput analysis techniques for the metabonomics of exogenous metabolites, such as UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS, GC-MS, and NMR. For follow-up analysis, we provide multivariate data analysis, including but not limited to PCA, PLS-DA, OPLS-DA, and so on. For more information, check Data Analysis of Mitochondrial Metabonomics.

Figure 1. An example of the applications of metabolomics in xenobiotic studies: Metabolic reactions of cyclophosphamide. (Johnson C. H., et al., 2012)

Creative Biogene always provides you with customized services for mitochondrial research, and our one-stop research and analysis platform can meet all your research needs. For more information, check Mitochondrial Metabonomics.

Our Advantages

  • Rich experience in the analysis of mitochondrial exogenous metabolites
  • Outstanding research team
  • Unique integrated service for mitochondrial research
  • Reliable data and results
  • Rapid turnaround and cost-effective

Creative Biogene has the most professional team to serve customers around the world. If you have any questions about the content of this service, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your contact.


  1. Johnson C. H., et al. “ Xenobiotic metabolomics: major impact on the metabolome. ” Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology, 2012, 52: 37-56.
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